Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3904

Unit 1 Application Information

Here is a synopsis of what is expected for all Unit 1 members to provide a full and complete application. The Unit 1 hiring committees base their scoring of your application solely on what is provided in your application. They are not allowed to consider any materials not included in your application or anything that they may or may not know about you informally. If it is not in your application, it cannot be considered.  Your documents should appear in the following order:

Before you begin, make sure all of your documents are up to date in your application:

Cover Letter

1) State the Course(s) You Are Applying to Teach: Your cover letter should begin as follows:

“Dear Hiring Committee:

Course Code, Course Name, Number of Sections, Term(s) and Year
Package X, Course Codes, Course Names, Number of Sections of Each Course, Term(s) and Year

I am applying to teach the following course(s): …..”

You need to clearly state the course(s) and/or packages you are applying to teach, and you need to restate the course(s) you listed above by course code, course name, number of sections, and the term(s) and year it is being offered.

In the case where your department has posted all of the courses and/or packages as one eHR posting, if you have more than one course you are applying to teach, you will need to list all the courses you are applying to teach and indicate the order of preference beside each course, and/or clearly indicate the desired workload you are applying for in order of preference(s) (if relevant).

In departments where each course/package is posted separately on eHR, you need to provide different applications for each course you are applying to teach and clearly indicate, as above, in bold, the course you are applying to teach and restate in the opening paragraph the course code and course name you are applying to teach, the number of sections, and the term and year you are applying to teach it.

2) Education: Clearly state the highest degree that you have earned and completed and the discipline/field in which you hold this degree. Your most recent degree earned should be listed first.

3) Teaching Experience: This needs to explain your teaching experience of these courses and relevant courses at TMU and any other institutions that you teach. If you are applying for more than one course, you need to explain this for each of these courses. Make it clear in your cover letter and your teaching philosophy  statement what previous teaching experience you have for each of these courses and related courses. And make sure you include a paragraph on how you teach these courses from an EDI (equity, diversity, inclusion) perspective in your teaching philosophy statement and your cover letter.

4) Professional Experience: You also need to summarize your professional experience over the last few years that supports your ability to teach all of these  courses (if relevant). The faculties of Community Service, TRSM, the Creative School, Engineering and Architecture, and Law all include scoring under the  “Experience” category for both teaching experience and professional work experience in the field.

5) Currency: You need to summarize all academic professional development (workshops, conference presentations, publications, etc.) you have done over the last few years that supports your ability to teach these courses using current techniques, research, etc. You can simply list your most recent publications and  conference presentations over the last year or two, and summarize what academic research you are currently working on or academic workshops or courses you are currently taking that support your currency to teach the course(s) that you are applying to teach.

Curriculum Vitae (in this order)

1) Education (from most recent to least recent of degrees completed with year of completion; you will need to provide evidence of any degrees that are currently in progress and the status of this progress)

2) Teaching Experience (at TMU and elsewhere)
Your teaching experience should clearly list the course code, course name, the terms and years you taught the course, and the mode of delivery of the course. This information should be provided for each course you have taught at both TMU and other institutions (if relevant).

3) Professional Experience (if relevant to your discipline/field)
If you teach in the faculties of TRSM, the Creative School, Community Service, Architectural Science, Engineering and Law, current professional work experience in the field is expected.  Half of the experience category of scoring is devoted to teaching experience, the other half to professional experience. Make sure you provide evidence and details of your professional experience/work in your field/discipline. If you have questions as to what this means, contact the Chair/Director of the Department/School.

4) Currency (publications, conference presentations, workshops, exhibitions, etc.)
The currency category assigns scoring based on your academic currency (not professional).  You need to provide evidence of your academic currency in your field/discipline. If you have  questions as to what this means, contact the Chair/Director of the Department/School.

5) Any other information you deem relevant to your CV (conference organizing, committee work, community service, etc.)

Teaching Philosophy Statement with EDI (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) Statement:

This statement should explain how you teach, the approach you use, and what you do in the classroom. It should also include a paragraph on how you teach using an EDI perspective or how you incorporate EDI into your pedagogy. Addressing how you teach from an EDI perspective is a requirement in the collective agreement. This does not require you to be a member of an equity seeking group. This statement requires that you address how you create an inclusive classroom that reflects equity, diversity and inclusion.

If you have questions as to how to do this, contact the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. They offer workshops on how to create a teaching dossier and teaching philosophy statement that addresses how to incorporate EDI into your pedagogical practice. Here is the link to their website to contact them directly:


Mandatory Teaching Assessments Conducted by TFA (full time faculty):

You need to provide as many as you can find. For those who have had these teaching assessments performed in the last 10 years by full time faculty, you will have received electronic copies. Search your email for these copies and save them to your computer for every application you provide.

If you completed your teaching assessments more than 10+ years ago, you would have received hard copies of these forms. You need to scan whatever forms you can find that were completed by your assessors. If you cannot find these forms, you need to ask your Chair if you can get copies of them. These forms are held in your personnel file in your Chair’s office or the Dean’s office. (The union does NOT have any copies of these assessments.) If the last time you were assessed was more than 18+ years ago, and you cannot find any of these assessments, you can provide other letters by faculty to support your teaching. These letters can come from full time faculty at TMU or other institutions or persons from the CELT that have observed your teaching.

If full time faculty have written you letters in support of your teaching, you may want to also include those letters immediately following your teaching assessments. Make sure the teaching assessments come before these letters. The teaching assessments are mandatory. The letters are further support of your teaching by full time faculty but do not have the same weight as the teaching assessments. The teaching assessments are mandatory.

Do not alter those letters. These letters need to appear in their original form. It is irrelevant if they are in support of you for a teaching award or a full time or Limited Term Faculty or teaching position or sessional position either at TMU or another institution even if you were not interviewed or considered for the  position. These letters are a form of assessment by full time faculty of your teaching.

Faculty Course Surveys (FCS) (Student Performed Teaching Surveys)

You need to provide a minimum of three to five years of FCS in chronological order from most recent to least recent. Do not skip years of assessments, except in the case of the years of COVID. You do not have to include the ones during COVID (Winter 2020 to Winter 2022) but you are welcome to do so.

Nonetheless, you are required to include no less than three years, especially if you have been teaching at TMU and elsewhere more than three years. If you are not providing the Faculty Course Surveys from the period of COVID, then you need to provide a minimum of 2017 to 2019 and Fall 2022 to the present. Feel free to give them more. These must be the download official FCS forms. Do not copy and paste. The hiring committees want to see the official downloaded forms with the numeric data. If you wish to also give them the forms with the comments, then you need to provide these on the downloaded official forms as well. At the very least, you need to provide a minimum of three to five years of downloaded official FCS forms with the numeric data of all courses you taught during those terms and years. You are also welcome to provide the official the official downloaded FCS comments, but these must accompany the official downloaded FCS numeric data.

If you have anything else to support your teaching, feel free to provide it at the end of your application after the FCS. For example, teaching evaluations by students from other institutions where you have taught, letters to support your teaching from students and/or faculty at TMU or elsewhere, letters to support you for a teaching position at TMU or elsewhere, or letters to support you for a teaching award (it is irrelevant whether you won or not) at TMU or elsewhere,certificates that you completed a teaching workshop, FORT, TALO, etc.